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Submitting your materials

Article manuscripts should be submitted to the Executive Co-Editors through the DRJ online submission system:

DRJ is a refereed journal using a blind review process. The Editors and at least two outside readers evaluate articles. Every attempt is made to notify authors regarding acceptance within three months, however it may take up to six months. The Editors reserve the right to reject or return for revision any material on the grounds of inappropriate subject matter, quality, or length.

Manuscripts should contribute original material: they may be discussions of contemporary or historical dance, theory and methods, critical syntheses, or evaluations of the state of knowledge or methods in the different disciplines involved in dance research. Manuscripts should be a minimum of 6,000 words and a maximum of 9,000 words, excluding Endnotes and Works Cited. The entire manuscript, including endnotes, references, and indented long quotations, should be double-spaced. Endnotes and references should follow the Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition) author-date citation system. Please see the end of this document for examples of the References, In-text citations, Endnotes, Illustrations and Tables.