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Research transparency

BJPsych Open believes in the importance of transparent and reproducible research.

Where possible we encourage authors to make evidence, data, code, and other materials that underpin their findings available to readers. Authors are required to maintain accurate records of data associated with their manuscript, and to supply or provide access to these data on reasonable request for purposes of reproducing results or replicating procedures. Authors are encouraged to deposit data in a recognized data repository that can mint a persistent digital identifier (e.g. DOI), provides timestamped entries and recognizes a long-term preservation plan. Authors must include a brief Data Availability Statement indicating whether the materials supporting the findings are available, and if so, where readers may access them.

We also encourage authors to cite materials and data they have used in their research, alongside literature citations, to recognise the importance of all kinds of research outputs.

We expect authors to follow best practices in reporting their methodology. Reporting guidelines for many study designs, including quantitative and qualitative scholarship across many disciplines, can be found in the EQUATOR Network.

Authors must abide by the following guidelines and documentation, if applicable:

  • CONSORT guidelines: Randomised controlled trials
  • STROBE guidelines: Cohort, case-control, and cross-sectional observational studies in in epidemiology
  • PRISMA guidelines: systematic reviews or meta-analyses of evaluations studies including randomised controlled trials
  • MOOSE guidelines.: meta-analyses of observational studies in epidemiology
  • CHEERS guidelines: economic evaluations
  • SAGER Guidelines: We encourage authors to consult the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) Guidelines for reporting sex and gender information in study design, data analyses, results and interpretation. Authors should use the terms sex and gender carefully in order to avoid confusing both terms and include separate reporting and interpretation of the data by sex and gender. If sex and/or gender information are not reported, this should be explained.
  • PPI Guidelines: The journal encourages active patient and public involvement (PPI) in research.

For detailed instructions on how to prepare and submit materials to comply with the journal's research transparency policy, please see Preparing your materials.